Farfalle with uncooked ham and peas
Ingredients for 4 people
400 grams of farfalle pasta, 150 gr of ‘Romano Mainelli’ Parma ham, 200 gr of fine peas (also frozen), 30 gr of grated Grana, extra-virgin olive oil, salt, pepper and a clove of garlic.
Brown the onion in its peel in a pan using olive oil (for a stronger flavour, crush the clove of garlic before putting it into the pan). Remove the garlic and add the ham - cut in strips - and peas. Add a little salt. Cook for a short time on a light flame - do not overdo it of the ham will go dry and loose its sweet taste. In the meantime cook the farfalle in plenty of salted water, strain and put the pasta in the sauce. Sauté for a few seconds. Finally, add the grated Grana and a bit of freshly ground pepper. Stir well and serve immediately.
Tasty and simple recipes to bring cold cuts to the table in an original and fun way. Try them now!
Romano Mainelli s.r.l.
Via Valsesia, 21
28047 Oleggio (Novara) Italy
- Telefono: +39 0321 91146
- Fax: 0321.998519
- E-mail: info@romanomainelli.it